Healthcare justice for you!
Thursday, January 14, 2016, 1pm - 3pm at Boston's NonProfit Center, 89 South St, Boston, Massachusetts 02111
The state has proposed massive health reform for people on MassHealth, wanting to set up Accountable Care Organizations and Health Homes. They intend to submit a proposal to the federal government by the end of January.
Your health care could improve bigtime—or you could be left out in the cold! Come to a DAAHR (Disability Advocates Advancing our Healthcare Rights) Forum on Thursday, January 14 at 1pm at 89 South Street, Boston and let Dan Tsai, the MassHealth director, know what healthcare services are important to you.
Will your PCA and homecare services be protected?
Will you have access to your medical specialists?
Will you have control over your mental health services?
Will the plan support people getting out of nursing homes?
Will there be care that is accessible for people with disabilities?
Speak up for healthcare justice for yourself!
For more information or accommodations, contact Bill Henning or Allegra Stout at,, or 617-338-6665.